Class Expectations

Offering the best possible learning environment is important, so we have prepared the following guidelines for class participation.

Al students in the monthly classes receive an email a week prior to class letting them know which arrangements they will learn and the type of container to bring. Please RSVP immediately to this email so materials may be purchased for you. 

Ohara Ikebana Students are expected to:

1. Arrive promptly – 10-15 minutes before the session begins in order to set up your workspace, fill cutting bowl & container with water.

2. Bring all necessary equipment and supplies for the lesson/demonstration (e.g., container; shears; kenzan/shippo; bowl for trimming stems in water; bucket for water to hold floral materials; towel; table covering for workspace; trash bag) or make arrangements with the instructor in advance to borrow items needed. Review the information under “Classes” on our website, for this detailed information and more. 

3. Classroom expectations: 

  • Give the instructor your undivided attention during instruction and demonstrations.
  • Ask questions after the lesson/demonstration is completed.
  • Refrain from private conversations.
  • If it is necessary to leave your workspace, step away quietly.

4. Individual work begins after the completion of all instructions/demonstrations.

5. Finish your arrangement and clean up before asking for the instructor’s critique 

  • Place your scissors on a folded towel to the right of the arrangement.
  • Remove all excess cut materials

6. When the instructor arrives to critique your arrangement, stand behind & to the right of the seated instructor.

  • Allow the instructor to complete the critique before asking questions.
  • Do not make changes to the arrangement until the critique is finished.
  • Follow the instructor to observe the critique of other arrangements; this is a learning opportunity even when the same materials are used.

Enjoy yourself and each other!